Smart Refrigerator
Fig: Completed Smart Refrigerator
People sometimes get distracted when putting food into the fridge/taking food out and walk away without closing the door. This results in the food going bad as well as high electricity bills.
Therefore, this smart refrigerator prototype closes it's door automatically when left open for too long.
Designed and fabricated the hinge mechanism that enables smooth operation of the fridge door.
Designed a simple enclosure for the servo motor that was 3D Printed.
Created overall assembly of individual components in Fusion 360.
Used a 3D Printer to print in place the hinges. I.e. the 3D modelling was done in such a way that the entire hinge assembly was printed directly.
Fig: Print in Place Hinge Assembly
Fig: Overall Assembly (External)
Fig: Overall Assembly (Internal)
Operation Procedure:
Proximity Sensor to detect open door.
Servo motor to open and close the door.
Arduino for computation.
Push button for manual control.
Video showing smooth operation of hinges and refrigerator door during successful arduino code test by my teammate.